Sometimes work gets intense. Whether it’s a seasonal rush or a project with a tight deadline, it can be hard to keep people focused and motivated when they’re overloaded.
What’s the best way to rally the troops?
- For starters, check your own emotional energy. You’ll be hard pressed to lead your team if you’re feeling beleaguered or stressed yourself. Take the time to reflect on why the work matters. Why is it relevant to your organization’s goals or mission? And who will benefit from the hard work of you and your team?
- Then, convey that message to your staff to inspire excitement and enthusiasm. Acknowledge that success will require hard work and perhaps some sacrifices, but express confidence that the team will prevail, and assure everyone that you’re all in it together.
- Finally, remember that incentives are your friend, and they should be deployed throughout the project, not just at the end. Identify milestones and find ways to reward your team’s hard work: a Friday afternoon off, perhaps, or an office ice cream party. Moments of celebration foster camaraderie and create sustained engagement.
Source :: “How to Motivate Your Team During Crunch Time”
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