We’re all stuck at home. Conferences and events are canceled, restaurants and gyms are closed. You have more free time now than you may ever see again in your life.
Don’t waste this time.
- In 1606 a plague swept England, and Shakespeare was quarantined in his home. During that time, he wrote Macbeth, King Lear, and Antony And Cleopatra.
- In 1665, Cambridge University closed for the year because of the Great Plague of London, and a young scholar named Isaac Newton was sent home. While at home, he discovered calculus and refined the ideas that later became his theory of gravity. The proverbial apple that fell on his head did so at his house, not his work.
Yeah, none of us may be Newton or Shakespeare, but we can still do something really cool in this time if we use it well.

With everyone stuck at home, this is the perfect time to sit down & finally write your book. And its 100% free.
Scribe Writing have made it easy for thought leaders to turn their ideas into a professionally published book.
Dont waste your today! #DoSomethingWorthwhile
Nicola ziady