When Jeff Bezos purchased The Washington Post in 2013, we expected his Amazon-esque influence on the 140-year-old media outlet. We were right!
Enter Heliograf, The Washington Post’s AI-powered journalist who in 2016 had a remarkable freshman year, publishing 850 articles that covered the Rio Olympics, football games and election updates.
But The Washington Post isn’t the only media giant leveraging AI to increase its online footprint.
- The Associated Press reported that using AI has freed up journalists’ time by 20 percent, releasing them from tactical tasks like covering earnings reports … while also increasing accuracy.
- Bloomberg shared that a third of all their articles are published by a robot named Cyborg.
- Forbes uses an AI by the name of Bertie to supply some of its writers with first drafts or templates to get a running start.
- Reuters uses AI to create a deepfake video of a sports reporter earlier this year.
- Washington Post also uses Zeus Insights to monitor comments and place ads next to relevant content
Robot writers pump out more content than you ever will. So should we tweak our approach as artificial intelligence permeates the news industry?