Put the kettle on + take a moment to in invest in yourself

glasses in focus

During organizational change, ask employees what they’re worried about

If you want to lead a successful organizational change, you have to communicate about the change empathetically. And that means finding out how your team feels and tailoring your emails and meetings to their concerns. Leaders who don’t take this step risk alienating their employees, who may already be feeling...

overwhelmed woman

If you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed, try this

Between work, family, and our personal lives, it’s no surprise that many of us feel overwhelmed a lot of the time. If your to-do list never seems to get shorter, step back and try a new approach. For example, consider whether certain tasks are stressing you out more than others....

Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.
[Donald McGannon]


Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
[Warren Bennis]


Learn to inspire your team during crunch time

Sometimes work gets intense. Whether it’s a seasonal rush or a project with a tight deadline, it can be hard to keep people focused and motivated when they’re overloaded. What’s the best way to rally the troops? For starters, check your own emotional energy. You’ll be hard pressed to lead...


Make an impossible dream a future reality

Some people wake us up. They bring us a new idea or a new way to do things. They challenge us to think differently, they challenge the status quo. They make things that previously seemed impossible, possible. We call what they have, vision. They see with their mind's eye a...

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
[Samuel Beckett]


Bending the arc of human potential


"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
[Jane Goodall]
