For many managers, the hardest part of delegating is trusting that a task will be done well. But it becomes easier when you think of it as a chance to train your staff — not just get rid of some work.

  • The next time you need to delegate something, start by determining who on your team is ready to handle more responsibility.
  • Then create simple tasks to help them learn the skills they’ll need.
  • If you’d like someone to take over running a weekly meeting, for instance, have them practice each part of the process: One week, they can create an agenda, which you’ll review. The next, they can watch you run the meeting, with plenty of chances to ask questions.
  • Eventually they’ll be ready to try running the meeting themselves, after which you can offer feedback.

This kind of teaching can be time-consuming, but it will go a long way toward preparing your team for more-complex work.

Source :: “How to Stop Delegating and Start Teaching,”

Harvard business review