It’s hard to feel inspired about much of anything these days — let alone your job. What can you do to shift your perspective if you feel that your work has lost its purpose?

  • Start by turning inward. Reflect on what you care about and what motivates you. Think about why you wanted to work at your organization in the first place, and remind yourself how the work you do affects others.
  • Then turn outward by lending a hand to your colleagues. You might, for instance, coach a younger employee or give advice to a member of your team who’s struggling. Helping people provides purpose in itself.
  • Finally, identify what triggers your stress and negativity — social media, certain relationships, or the news, for example — and set boundaries to protect yourself.

These may seem like simple tips, but put in practice, they’ll bring you closer to finding purpose in your everyday work.

How to Find Meaning When Your Job Feels Meaningless

Harvard Business Review