Hybrid work is presenting teams — and managers — with a major problem :: The dissolution of work-life balance. As a boss, how can you help your team mitigate the downsides of hybrid, asynchronous work? Here are a few strategies to consider.

  • Rethink daily schedules. Build in breaks between meetings, or during extended ones, so employees have a chance to grab a glass of water, get ready for their next call, or mentally transition to a new topic. This practice will reduce multitasking and the stress that accumulates when everyone is putting in long, packed days.
  • Carve out time for focused work. Encourage people to set aside blocks of time each week to engage in projects without distractions or interruptions. More time to focus means more progress, which means less stress. It also decreases the likelihood that work spills into after hours.
  • Encourage time off. It’s essential that everyone unplug, whether they’re taking vacation, staycation, mental health days, sick days, or observing religious holidays. Help your team understand that there are many ways to rest and recharge that don’t hinge on travel or trips and that their well-being is a priority.

Hybrid Tanked Work-Life Balance. Here’s How Microsoft Is Trying to Fix It

Harvard Business Review