We all want meaningful work, but meaning is rarely handed to us.

It’s up to you to connect what you do every day to what you value — and that takes self-reflection and deliberate effort.

  1. Keep a journal of your tasks and projects, noting which ones you find deeply satisfying (and which are gratifying only in the short term). For example, do you feel fulfilled when making presentations to clients? Are you energized when mentoring and coaching junior employees?
  2. As much as possible, prioritize work that aligns with your values. If helping others grow is part of your professional identity, make coaching one of your weekly activities. If self-development is a core value, make listening to podcasts or taking an online course a daily ritual.
  3. Talk with colleagues about how you’re prioritizing meaningful work. Hearing about others’ efforts will help everyone focus on what matters most.

Stop Trying to Be Happy at Work

Harvard Business Review