As a manager giving feedback is one of your biggest and most challenging responsibilities — and if you’re working remotely, it’s even harder. How can you update your approach to giving feedback in a WFH world?

Here are some key steps to keep in mind ::

1. Start by asking questions. You need to understand your employee’s perception of their performance before expressing yours.
2. Show specific appreciation before laying out criticism. They’ll be more likely to be receptive to your feedback if they trust that you value them.
3. State your positive intentions. Something as simple as “I’m in your corner” can go a long way.
4. Clarify and contrast. “I’m saying X, I’m not saying Y.”
5. Ask your employee to state their key takeaways from the conversation.

We’re all under intense stress from the pandemic. Taking care to deliver your feedback with clarity and sensitivity will help people focus on the reality of your message, even in a remote environment.

Giving Critical Feedback Is Even Harder Remotely

Harvard Business Review