Put the kettle on + take a moment to in invest in yourself

Put the kettle on. Relax, and invest in yourself.

In a world that seems increasingly unpredictable, chaotic, uncertain and well, bonkers, how do we manage to build, lead, grow and maintain great companies and communities in spite of it all? Pour a cuppa, sit yourself down and lets figure it out together ...

graduate in evening sun

New grads, take these steps to find your first job

This is a scary time to be entering the job market. So, what should you do if you’re a recent graduate hunting for your first job in the midst of this pandemic? 1 :: Hone the skills that will make you a more marketable candidate for the field you’re trying...

Ask smarter strategic questions

With organizations facing increased urgency and unpredictability, being able to ask smart questions has become a key leadership skill—especially when setting strategy. Here are five types of questions to ask that can boost strategic decision-making. Investigative: What’s Known? When facing a problem or opportunity, the best decision-makers start by clarifying their...

Invest in yourself and make learning a daily practice

No matter what industry you’re in or how long you’ve been in it, the ability to learn is an essential skill. But it’s not as simple as acquiring knowledge. It’s a regular practice of trying out new things and seeing the world in new ways. You can conduct experiments as...

young woman working on her desk drinking coffee

How to develop your superstar employees

One of your core responsibilities as a manager is to develop the next generation of leaders. How can you help your superstar employees fulfill their potential? Here are three strategies. Measure their progress against key leadership competencies. These include team management, relationship building, and communication. Identify where your high potentials...

Use ikigai to boost your post-pandemic potential

Many of us are realizing that simply running a team or company for our salary simply isn’t enough. It isn’t enough for our organizations. It isn’t enough for our employees. And it isn’t enough for us. We are looking for something more. Throughout the pandemic we were seeking stability, stillness...

Feeling unmotivated? Here’s how to plug back in.

It’s common to go through periods at work where you’re just not feeling it. No matter what’s sapping your motivation, these strategies can help you interrupt the cycle of numbness and paralysis—and restore your sense of agency. Detach. Being unhappy at work can cloud your decision-making and make you reactive. Take...

Know what’s next … generative AI marketing!

Artificial intelligence [AI] is still all the rage. Generative AI, able to spit out images and text, is growing in popularity as more AI-supported tools are coming on board. “Generative-AI tools aren’t a fad. They will only become more present in our daily lives,” the Wall Street Journal reported. It’s...

Your employees want to feel the purpose in their work

Create clarity + give employees purpose in their work

Instilling purpose in your employees takes more than motivational talks, lofty speeches, or mission statements. In fact, if overblown or insincere, those methods can backfire, triggering cynicism rather than commitment. To engage, inspire and motivate your employees, keep these two things in mind. Purpose is a feeling. You could tell...

Become a better conversationalist

Being a great communicator isn’t just about knowing how to speak eloquently—it’s about knowing how to prepare for, and engage deeply in, important conversations. These simple strategies can help. Before a key conversation, take 30 seconds to jot down a few topics you know you want to cover. Going into...

Find the meaning in your work

If you don't feel like you have a career purpose, that’s okay; focus on finding meaning instead. While purpose represents an overarching goal, meaning is the feeling of satisfaction you get from your work. Here’s how to discover the meaning in your work. Start by identifying what brings you joy in...

Know what’s next … generative AI writing bots!

When Jeff Bezos purchased The Washington Post in 2013, we expected his Amazon-esque influence on the 140-year-old media outlet. We were right! Enter Heliograf, The Washington Post’s AI-powered journalist who in 2016 had a remarkable freshman year, publishing 850 articles that covered the Rio Olympics, football games and election updates. But The...

Contribute to a healthy company culture

We'd all love to work in a vibrant and caring environment in which we are valued as whole people. But how can you, as an individual, contribute to this kind of workplace? Here are some ideas: Get to know people on a personal level. Be the person who goes out...

Change not only your world, but the world of the people you surround yourself with.

Ernest Shackleton endurance leadership lesson

5 leadership lessons from my hometown hero

Our real job is not just charting our own potential, but it's finding it in others around us. This article is one of a series of stories about ordinary people who have overcome adversity to do great things. Reading or witnessing them do remarkable things can inspire us to bend our potential arc,...

Purpose boosts academic engagement & career success

When undergraduate students connect their life purpose with their career aspirations, they are more engaged in their academic studies. They are also less likely to undervalue their schoolwork, suffer imposter syndrome and dropout. This transformational nugget of knowledge was from an article I read this weekend on "The Conversation" by...

Men are not piano keys, learn how teams work

In hospitals, every study proves that patient care gets better as teamwork gets better. The same goes for the timely precision in an Irish dancing performance, as well as the impact of successful corporate teams. Teamwork isn't a corporate platitude ... it's a under-valued and under-served necessity! Why is this?...

Two women talking and making small steps towards change management

Conduct a “pro-tention” or stay interview with your employees

Don’t wait until an employee is already halfway out the door to find out what might’ve convinced them to stay. Instead, regularly check in to make sure your current employees are having a good experience. Here’s how to have these “pro-tension" or stay conversations. First, avoid distractions. To demonstrate how...

Gen Z generation young woman in urban street

How to motivate your Gen Z employees

Many Gen Z employees are struggling to be engaged at work. As a manager, how can you earn their engagement? It’s all about creating a team dynamic of collaboration, commitment, and sustained motivation. First, establish transparent, consistent, two-way communication channels to alleviate their potential fear of uncertainty and help them...

Know what’s next … Instagram ads!

Ad placements through Instagram search results are now a reality, according to a Meta blog post announcement. When searching through Instagram, ads will pop up with other search results. Ad creators will also learn how their ads are performing with Instagram search results, too!