Put the kettle on + take a moment to in invest in yourself

Young lady looking stressed and pensive

3 types of burnout & how to get out of them

Even before the pandemic burnout was a common workplace affliction, but today we all know someone who suffers from it ... maybe we do ourselves? Burnout presents itself in several different flavours and shapes. Here's how to identify the type of you may be experiencing ... and what you can...

How to give feedback to your team – remotely

As a manager giving feedback is one of your biggest and most challenging responsibilities — and if you’re working remotely, it’s even harder. How can you update your approach to giving feedback in a WFH world? Here are some key steps to keep in mind ::1. Start by asking questions....

lady standing in office

Ask your direct reports these 5Q’s at your next check in

Everyone is talking about the "great resignation" era and the threat of losing our top talent. If you’re worried that your employees are eyeing the door, if you haven't already .... it’s time to start having some important, career-defining conversations with the,. Here are five key questions to ask your...

lady with purpose and fulfillment

Prioritize work that gives you a sense of meaning

We all want meaningful work, but meaning is rarely handed to us. It’s up to you to connect what you do every day to what you value — and that takes self-reflection and deliberate effort. Keep a journal of your tasks and projects, noting which ones you find deeply satisfying...

professional woman in relaxed coffee shop

Is hiring a career coach the right for you?

For some of us logging back on after the holidays brings that nagging feeling and question: "do I really want to spend another year in this job?" More people are turning to career coaches to chart next steps – and get out of a "prison" of bad jobs. Here are five...

Office team working together over coffee

Don’t revert to old norms when returning to the office

If you work in a place where pandemic restrictions are easing up, and you’re headed back to the office, it may be tempting to get back to “business as usual.” But this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on how you want your team to operate differently going forward. Which...

woman pondering a question

Ask questions to boost critical thinking skills

No matter your title or role, critical thinking [the ability to effectively break down and analyze an issue in order to find a solution] will be core to your success. And at the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate effective questions. Here are a few ways to...

Make sure your hybrid team isn’t burning out

Hybrid work is presenting teams — and managers — with a major problem :: The dissolution of work-life balance. As a boss, how can you help your team mitigate the downsides of hybrid, asynchronous work? Here are a few strategies to consider. Rethink daily schedules. Build in breaks between meetings,...

Two professionals chatting at work

Overcome your team’s resistance to change

Many teams suffer from “active inertia” — the tendency to seek comfort in the old ways of doing things, even when the world around you is changing. To help your employees meet the moment, there are two techniques you might try. The “foot-in-the-door” technique. Start by asking people to do...

Confident woman job seeker applicant handshaking hr at interview meeting

Make a strong first impression in your new job

Many of us will be starting new roles with the onset of the "great recession" If it’s been a while since you started a new job, you might feel unsure of how to start off on the right foot. That’s normal. Here are some strategies to ease the transition and...

Stop solving all your team’s problems

Your primary task as a leader is to build your team’s capabilities. The next time you’re tempted to solve a problem for a team member, stop yourself and turn it into a learning opportunity instead. Set clear expectations, communicate what they’re accountable for, and give them the tools they need...

Does your sense of authority fluctuate throughout the day?

No matter your rank in the workplace, it's likely that your sense of authority rises and falls throughout the day — depending on who you're meeting with, what you're working on, and how you're feeling. Research has shown that these shifts cause stress, so it’s best to avoid multiple fluctuations...

Happy content young professional man

3 active gratitude habits to use beyond Thanksgiving

Whether we spend our time dwelling on things we're grateful for or noodling on things that upset us matters. The key lesson :: Shifting our attitudes to focus on giving thanks — not just during the holiday — has a direct link to our wellbeing. Proof :: Psychologists asked half...

3 fallacies that inhibit creativity

Unlocking your team's creativity can sometimes be a challenge for managers. Here are three common fallacies that might be getting in the way — and how to avoid them. The productivity fallacy: There’s a misperception that equates innovation with decision-making speed. Sometimes, the best ideas require long incubation periods. Resisting...

Woman struggling with a problem

Stuck? Try re-framing a problem you’re trying to solve

Most people know that how you frame a problem will influence how you solve it. This means that you have to carefully choose the words to describe your issue. If you’re struggling to generate effective solutions, you might change the way you’ve phrased the problem. Specifically, ask yourself two questions...

Ask candidates this one key interview question

As a hiring manager, there’s one key question you should ask every job candidate: "How do you learn?" Of course, you want to bring in employees with impressive achievements and qualifications, but a person’s future performance will largely be determined by how intentionally and systematically they develop their skills. So...

clapping hands in audience

3 techniques to give a more persuasive speech

To be a good leader, you must communicate well. Cambridge University lecturer Simon Lancaster says that the power of persuasion lies in our ability to manipulate listeners brains. He suggests that we can win support by tapping into peoples cravings for brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. When we do...

Woman walking along coast

Break up your work day with a walk

If you’ve been working from home for the past year, you may find yourself hitting a wall. WFH burnout is real — so it's important to do what you can to give yourself a boost throughout the workday. Don't underestimate the power of going for a walk (or, if you're...

woman wiht flowers in front of her face

To lead your team better … ask more questions

Chances are, most leaders are too focused on having all the answers — and not focused enough on asking the right questions. It's time to recalibrate. Despite what you might think, expressing vulnerability and asking for help, clarification, or input can be a sign of strength and confidence, not weakness....

Woman working on laptop

Find meaning in your everyday work

It’s hard to feel inspired about much of anything these days — let alone your job. What can you do to shift your perspective if you feel that your work has lost its purpose? Start by turning inward. Reflect on what you care about and what motivates you. Think about...